Will Call Order and Pick Up Instructions

Will Call Pick Up Hours

Monday through Friday
Seattle: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Nashville: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Day 1: Order by Phone

  • Place your order by phone. Call Customer Service at (206) 382-1100.
  • We continue to encourage pre-order to avoid delays and more efficiently process orders. If same day pick up is needed, please speak with a representative and we will do our best to accommodate when possible.

Day 2: Pick up Order

  • Pick up your order the next business day during will call pick up hours listed above.
  • Masks and social distancing are encouraged during pick up.
  • Ring the doorbell to the left of the main entrance and we will answer promptly. If there is no answer, please call us at (206) 382-1100. Orders are picked up outside.
  • Changes to orders at time of pick up may be problematic. We will do our best accommodate, if needed.

Important Notes:

  • After pick up hours, will call orders are stored and are not available for pick up until the next business day.
  • Returns or exchanges must be arranged in advance by contacting Customer Service.
  • Our showrooms remain closed, with no on-site ordering or access into the buildings.